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Hays County has been planning for improvements to Hillside Terrace from I-35 to FM 2001 and on Old Goforth Road from Hillside Terrace to Green Meadows Lane. Design for this project is funded through 2016 voter approved bonds.


Preliminary designs were developed and shared with the community in Spring 2021. Since then, developers have submitted plans to construct several additional residential communities and commercial properties which will increase traffic in the area.


As a result, the County is refining the previous design plans on Hillside Terrace from Old Goforth Road to FM 2001 to accommodate the anticipated additional traffic that will need to use Hillside Terrace to get to I-35 and to Buda.


The updated design is part of an interim project to address short-term community and roadway needs. The County expects to propose additional improvements to Hillside Terrace from I-35 to Old Goforth Road in the future to address the growing need for improved traffic flow in the area.


Project Goals

The County recognizes this area is rapidly developing and is working to plan for the future while minimizing impacts to adjacent property owners.

This project will:

  • Improve safety, mobility, and connectivity

  • Meet the needs of the local community

  • Provide a regional connection between I-35 and FM 2001

Proposed Improvements to Hillside Terrace

I-35 to Old Goforth Road
  • Widen the travel lanes to 12 feet

  • Add a 12-foot continuous center turn lane

  • Add 5-foot bike lanes to each side of the roadway

  • Improve intersection at I-35

Old Goforth Road to FM 2001
  • Widen Hillside Terrace to two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction

  • Add a 14-foot continuous center turn lane

  • Add 5-foot bike lanes on each side of the roadway

  • Improve intersection at Old Goforth Road


Proposed Improvements to Old Goforth Road

Hillside Terrace to Green Meadows Lane
  • Reduce travel lanes to 11 feet

  • Add a 14-foot continuous center turn lane

  • Add a 5-foot bike lane on the east side of the roadway


Improvements to Old Goforth Road will match the improvements recently completed by the City of Buda from FM 2001 to Green Meadows Lane.


What's Changed?

The biggest change with the updated design is on Hillside Terrace from Old Goforth Road to FM 2001 with the addition of one travel lane in each direction. This will widen Hillside Terrace from a 2-lane roadway with narrow shoulders to a 5-lane roadway with 5-foot bike lanes on each side of the roadway.


The County anticipates that Hillside Terrace from I-35 to Old Goforth Road will need to be widened to a 5-lane roadway with bike lanes in the future.

Project Timeline

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The earliest construction could begin is 2025 due to funding. There is currently no funding identified for construction.



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Hillside Terrace Improvements

PO Box 5459, Austin, TX 78763

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